My Memories is a great software for your digital scrap booking , craft
and printable projects .You can download the trial version from here and
I'm sure you like this great software . Click here for the tutorials .
Why MyMemories Suite?
Our blog train is a little different and will be from now on.
You will be directed to my store at My Memories to get my part of the train.
You will have to create an free account in the My Memories store
no purchase is necessary.
Blog train leaves the station on the 16th of the month
Most Important :''We are all on different time zones , so if someone doesn't have their part up yet, please check back later
HERE is my part in the blog train
Scrapbookcrazy Creations https://scrapbookcrazycreationsbyrobyn.blogspot.com/Designs by Lisa Minor http://ronimasil.blogspot.comFranB Designs - https://franbdesigns.comADB Designs - https://adb-designs.com/my-memories-monthly-blog-train/Over the Fence Designs - https://overthefencedesignsscrapbooking.blogspot.com/Karen Schulz Designs - https://karenschulz.net/my-memories-monthly-blog-train/PattyB Scraps - https://pattybslittlespot.blogspot.com/WinksArt Graphics http://winksartgraphics.blogspot.com/PS Digital Memories https://psdigitalmemories.blogspot.com/Aimee Harrison - https://aimeeharrisondesigns.com/Kathryn Estry - http://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/AngelWingScraps : https://www.facebook.com/AWScrapsSugar Moon Designs https://www.sugarmoondesign.comLins Creations https://linscreations.wordpress.com/AdrienneSkeltonDesigns https://adrienneskeltondesigns.blogspot.com/Shmooangel Designs: https://creativescraptreas.wixsite.com/shmooangeldesignsHappy Scrap Arts : https://happyscraparts.blogspot.com/Caroline B. : https://www.carolineb-design.com/blog/Connie Prince : https://scrapinfusions.blogspot.com/LouiseL : http://louisescrap.eklablog.com/Carolyns Scrap Creations https://carolynsscrapcreations.blogspot.com/Cutie Pie Scraps http://www.cutiepiescrap.com/QueenBrat Digital Designs: https://bitsnpiecesofqbd.blogspot.com/Pat's Scrap: https://www.facebook.com/PatEnScrapElizabeth's Market Cross: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethsMarketCrossLLL Creations: http://bit.ly/LLLBlog